黄山屯溪DHL国际快递 屯溪区DHL国际快递网点及电话 DHL Parcel 将从 2019 年 9 月 1 日起提高面向商业客户的定价。就在 3 月,该公司宣布每年投资 1.5 亿欧元用于人员、进一步自动化以及邮政和包裹基础设施的扩展。这些投资将通过提高质量和性能使客户受益,尤其是在包裹市场的数量持续增长的情况下。通过此次提价,该公司还应对运输和人员成本普遍显着增加的情况做出回应,以确保未来为其客户提供高质量的服务。
“为了可靠地处理不断增加的包裹量,我们不断投资于包裹网络的扩展和现代化。2019 年 7 月,我们还将大约 13,000 名员工从子公司转移到公司的集体协议,从而进一步改善工作条件和公平工资结构”,德国邮政 DHL 集团邮政和包裹德国营销官 Ole Nordhoff 解释说。
随着价格的调整,DHL也响应了许多客户在联邦公路卡车通行费扩大到2018年中期以及通行费增加的过程中披露收费等外部影响对运输成本的希望。 2022 年 1 月的费率。因此,为透明起见,公司将自 2022 年 9 月 1 日起将每件包裹 0.10 欧元的通行费附加费与包裹价格分开报告。
与前一年一样,DHL Paket 将在晚些时候为具有单独商定条件的客户调整价格。
DHL Parcel is increasing its prices for business customers with list prices from September 1, 2019. Just in March, the company announced annual investments of 150 million euros for personnel, further automation and the expansion of its postal and parcel infrastructure. These investments will benefit customers by improving quality and performance, especially as volumes in the parcels market continue to grow. With this price increase, the company is also responding to the generally significant increase in transport and personnel costs in order to ensure the high quality of service for its customers in the future as well.
"In order to reliably process the increasing parcel volumes, we are continuously investing in the expansion and modernization of our parcel network. In July 2019, we also transferred around 13,000 employees from subsidiaries to the company’s collective agreement, thereby further improving working conditions and fair wage structures", explains Ole Nordhoff, Chief Marketing Officer Post & Parcel Germany at Deutsche Post DHL Group.